  La Revolución Social de 2025
  The social revolution of 2025
  El Hombre Universal
The social revolution of 2025


OF 2025



OF 2025


J. Coines
































Copyrith: J. Coines

Nº Registro Propiedad Intelectual: 200999900516864











English text


Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12           


Part second                                                                           





Google translation




         The earth, year 2050. Franc and Karina go in the metronave to the Center of Distribution of Resources. They belong next to other partners of studies to the University of Sciences of Investigation and Distribution of Resources.

         Today they have history class.

         Only thirty five years ago the great reformation began for the administration and distribution of resources of the planet earth.

         In the class there are about 40 students more than they carry out learning and practical.

         The building to which they go is part of a group of eight big circles that they communicate with the central great circle, through passages that emerge as if they were radios from the center.

         Already in class, in some instants a documentary begins where they go appearing images of old cities, from the beginnings of the civilization until the present.

         The history, is commented in the documentary, it is not fundamental in our society, more than to represent the development of the human societies, from the beginning of the humanity's memory.

         In that sense they stay these registrations, as well as all the necessary files to store the humanity's culture in their different times.

However, it is the renovating knowledge of each generation, the one that one adds to the acquired knowledge to organize and to distribute all the resources of our planet, in benefit of the whole world human society, next to all the alive species and the sustainable conservation of the life in the Earth.

We put emphasis, the recording continues in the documentary, in the foundation of the whole organization, by means of the science and the technology, as necessary tools to improve and to continue the renovating process of the whole society.

         We remind you that about twenty five years ago, a group of scientific next to thousands collaborators' of all the countries of the world, they united to begin the revolutionary most important process from the beginning of the human societies.

         This process began for desestructurar the pyramidal organization of the political power and of the economic power in the whole Earth. In they collaborated it millions of volunteers whose only interest was to serve the humanity, because they had understood that the life is outside of all greed, of all fear that anything belonged in particular to anybody, but rather

all the resources of the planet belonged to all the individuals of all the species, so much human as animals, plants and to the own planet.

         In this sense the technology and the science could be some valid instruments to obtain resources of the earth without damaging it and to organize the distribution without any privilege type.

         At the beginning the idea was difficult to assimilate, the organization of a society where the objective was the balance, the well-being, the sustainable development of each group and species but not the obtaining of lucre was not easy to admit, although many yes they saw it clear and they yearned it.

         It had gone by a world crisis of the capitalism; the politico-economic system was in a final phase, without exit; almost all wanted a change to a form of more rational and fairer life, liberating the human being's slavery and of the other species of the only objective that it was to obtain money for benefit of a directing class, or dome of power that served in the entire world to some few families.

Once they were had clear the objectives, the following step was to plan the stages of application of the new system. In a peaceful way the state had to become a social administration for the organization and distribution of all the resources.

 The companies and their directive would be part of that administration but without special privileges until the new programming systems were put to the service of all the countries.

The army and the police would also be derived toward a voluntary work to the service of the transformation of the society. The power and the force would not be employees for the punishment of the dissidents, for it you began eliminating the prisons and reinserting the prisoners gradually to the group of volunteers to help in all the organization. All the nations put their human resources, as voluntary work to begin this vital creative process.

Some of you will already know the beginning of the process, it happened in the year 2015, in all the news of the world spread it a manifest, where the good will of all the leaders of all the countries was requested to give the example of starting to the service of the alive beings for a social transformation, the money would be annulled, each human being would be the possessor of a registration card, transitory and gratuitous, that assigned him the use and enjoyment of foods, clothes, housing, education and sanitary enough protection, later on this card would be no longer necessary because it would be replaced by an organization of the society in that all would have access to its basic necessities during all its life.

The schools became practical shops of education, scientific and technological investigation, where all participated, according to their personal or artistic inclinations, the whole competition was reconverted in stimulating the human intelligence, the intellect was not more than a  orchestrate to the service of the intelligence, with a limitless opening in the exploration and the creativity.

The beliefs, the ideologies and the religions disappeared as social organizations, but they would be tolerated as convictions subjective singular, for that which each one was completely free, however their didn't seek advice seeking to have followers and to form sectarian organizations.

There was freedom total to meet, however, as there was not money to enrich, the interests that sustained the organizations disappeared and people met to share likenesses or beliefs but this didn't have any economic repercussion or in the organization of the society, for what each one was limited to respect the beliefs or ideas of the other ones and to follow their own convictions.

Some didn't take these manifestos seriously, however they were often repeating so that everybody was informed and it was commented in all the levels. This way, millions of volunteers in the entire world, they were contacted to collaborate in the process, like a net of human sensors to process and to diffuse information anonymously.

Convinced that yes it was possible, they transformed into a system of nets for the communication of data that you/they were good to begin and to collaborate in the changes. Not there was information to which didn't have access, since all they participated anonymously and without any organization type that identified them. Each one knew when the other one of in front it was a voluntary one or not of the change, and it was this way possible that anything was left at random.

March of 2025, a manifesto put in public knowledge that all the leaders of the pyramidal structure, which involved to the richest in the world, of bigger to smaller, also to the political leaders according to its hierarchical scale and its commitment in the maintenance of the social old state, they were asked them to begin to apply what they knew already of the manifestos, for that which they could be informed with all the knowledge that they needed to be documented and to apply the same ones.

If they refused they ran the risk of disappearing in their vital manifestation, since the technology had developed a similar computer machine, completely simple, to a system laser, easy to circulate in the entire world, and that introducing in her the wave longitude and frequency of an object, the same one would be disintegrated atomically, without leaving rakes and without any type of environmental contamination. As the wave longitude and each individual's frequency is only, there was not risk to that it affected anybody more than to the one involved.

Not it was any volunteer's intention making any individual disappear, since the life was a value very respected by all they, for that reason would put on some examples in material objects so that he/she took conscience and they started to the humanity's service, otherwise in certain moment they ran the risk of disappearing.

Fortunately he/she was not necessary to regret victims because the communication system was so extensive and the whole people were so made aware that there was not resistance since for any leader I/you/he/she was seen come a new one civilization and possible era the coexistence in freedom and without having to compete for the individual survival.

The changes would be made gradually without appealing to the violence, since it is known that the violence doesn't make more than to perpetuate the continuous fights of classes that there has been since the humanity's part began to take possession of the resources of the earth.

The use of the technology of the information would start to the service of the planetary education, endowing each family and human being of necessary television apparatuses to be documented on its rights and how to collaborate in all the necessary changes.

It was left clear that all the ideas and the beliefs would be respected at subjective level, because the individual was free in his interior, but in the external thing he was not proprietor of anything, however he had access to all the resources in equality of conditions that all the human beings and according to the creative necessities of his own intelligence. Not there would be individual property, but rather everything belonged to the whole humanity that would organize the distribution of the resources for all the species of the planet by means of cybernetic programs.

The answer of the world leaders left summing up step-by-step, themselves checked that it was a possibility to a new civilization, and neither nobody wanted to die, since it would be a true foolishness to disappear without being able to enjoy the goods and privileges that possessed, so, for own selfishness, it suited to prove luck before this new situation that seemed unavoidable and it propitiated the human true intelligence.

It is as well as we have arrived to our current state of the world society where you can appreciate the advance of the technology in the means of transport, in the organization of the new cities, the substitution of the human manpower for the robotic of almost all the tasks of the society, the development of the science, the education that puts to the children in contact with the nature and their conservation, transforming their environment in eatable forests, the care of the species and of the planet in general and the development of the human relationship in a healthy environment.

The free time that allowed the new organization; at the beginning you began working four hours a day and the controversial unemployment system was eliminated, which in the beginning hundreds of millions were adding in the whole world, because the work was distributed among all the individuals and at the moment we have already passed to the system of creative development, where there is not a fixed schedule but rather all are devoted to the maintenance and development of all the necessities of the planet for characteristic convincing that each one participates in the good of the other ones and all together for each one.

They were times of continuous change in those that all participated with a lot of enthusiasm and since the basic necessities were guaranteed, creative ideas of millions of individuals in a completely disinterested and free way that were used in benefit of the whole planet arose.

What seemed an utopia, had become a creativity without limits for the human intelligence, free of prejudices, created interests, fear and uncertainty toward the material own existence.

Those that had curiosity of investigating in the past could make it mediating the programs of the cultural memory of all the civilizations, from the beginning of the human societies. The investigation of the future presented a limitless and infinite frontier of possibilities that you/they could be applied by means of the human and universal intelligence, being part of the transformation of the planet and in collaboration with other civilizations galactic that could be detected in the spectrum of the universal cosmos.

The wars were no longer necessary, because all were predisposed to continuous changes, the overpopulation had been controlled by each human being's understanding of having descending in the measure in that it was necessary. In several generations they spent in half of six thousand millions, only having each couple one or two children or none.

After a series of images on the past and the future the class was given had finished. Franc and Karina still had the free afternoon to dedicate it to the leisure or sport games.

Did Karina, have questions however to make to Franc, for some time it did disturb him/her to know what it happens after the death of the physical body, were we the same as all the species? of where we come and to where do we go? He/she knew that questions are they were in the files of all the philosophers and the religions, being patrimony of all the cultures, but something disturbed him/her in the deep of their thought, something that took him/her to inquire what there was behind that incognito one.

They were in taking something of food and drink to the park and there to wonder on what it was the life and the death.




Already in the park, near the lake, they sat down to eat something, and they agreed in that if they wanted to know something, as much as possible without any cultural influence, they had to begin of zero.

It is clear, Karina said that like it happens in many species, the union of two cells, a masculine one and another feminine one, believe a new being, in the human, the union of the sperm with the ovum generates the fetus that is developed with the food that them receives through the mother. This means that all the cells that compose the human body grow with the assimilation of the food and the physical body continues this way outside of the mother's abdomen until most of age.

But one can say that the human being is not only the physical body but rather it is an energy unit that gives life to the material vehicle. And when this vehicle dies, the energy incorporates to its source of where it arose and of where it was always indissolubly united.

When we are born the vital force that gives energy to the physical body, by means of the first breathing, it facilitates the ability of natural or biological necessary intelligence for the functions of the whole organism.

At the same time the conscience lies latent and then will go showing through the whole learning and the knowledge that it is acquired from the childhood. It is here where an error takes place in the education when not establishing a distinction between the objective thing and the subjective thing.

In the objective thing the memory is necessary, and the learning related with the science and the technology allows to be solved many of the problems of use of the resources of the earth related with the basic necessities for the life: feeding, gear, housing and health and other problems of survival before the natural catastrophes.

As well as in the science and the technology the memory allows to leave improving the systems that will allow a more pleasant and more social life, in the subjective thing the mechanical memory and logic is an impediment so that the biological intelligence solves the biological problems they are already physical or mental.

The humanity's great problem is not to know how to separate the objective memory of the subjective memory in the whole culture. The subjective memory is not necessary because the biological intelligence knows how to solve the human being's biological and psychological problems, that is necessary it is that the data stored in the accumulated memory don't obstruct flowing of the biological intelligence.

Nobody is entitled to condition the human being's subjective manifestation, and the education should only be objective, related with the science, the technology and the arts, as well as to know the inherent rules to the human coexistence in society in equality of conditions, at the same time that it allows the natural development of the sensibility of the organism to manifest their biological intelligence.

It is this biological intelligence the one that will allow  to solve all their biological and psychological problems through an integral new sensibility that listens the physical body to know how it works, what alterations they modify their balance and how to channel the vital energy to correct those alterations.

In this sense and with the help of the scientific knowledge will be able to choose their own feeding system, the healthiest thing possible, the purification of the waters, the descontamination of the environmental environment, the affective relationships without prejudices and the daily exercise and their creativity, what will guide to a healthy life and of solidary coexistence with all the other beings.

You say it correctly, Karina  -said Franc- before the change in the society the education made you forget that we are an energy unit in a physical vehicle, the nóumeno and the phenomenon, provided of a brain that has the ability to reflect in the conscience, as a mirror, the sensations that we perceive through the five senses and also the images generated by the thought.

The energy, in contact with the physical body in the brain, apparent the conscience that can say in their first act, I am, it is the aware first act of feeling that one lives. To this conscience it continues the conscience of the thought, of realizing the thoughts, of the memory.

But notice what usually happens, the contents of the thought, of that learned in the culture, in the education and that filed in the memory, they form other I am, it is the false identity that thinks and believes that this I am is the maker of all the actions, without being able to realize that their conscience is the group of all that learned and filed in the memory, but that the silent witness, the authentic one is behind all this I am, the Man or original Woman, the feminine or masculine that generates the contact of the energy in each manifested form, as the true energy that moves all the actions, in a neuter way, without trial none and in a completely anonymous way.

And when the physical body deteriorates and does die, what will it happen?  -Karina-.

That question can only make it the "me" of the personality, the mental center that is the result of the whole past of the cultural memory, the false maker that thinks that he is the author of all its actions. The being that  has been born and that at some time has to die.

The energy neither is born neither dies, transforming through all the forms is always there, and when the form dies She returns to its Original Source.

Nobody can tell you what it happens later, since the mental center that answers to this question is completely an infinitesimal part and therefore its concepts are false, like they could be false all our answers in this sense.

But then  -to ask Karina- all the cultural files that we have inherited, so much religious as philosophical, they are not good for our current life?

Those files correspond to the answers that each one of the human beings has been able to give in their life, but they are not good as example for ours, since we have to give an answer presently to the challenges of the life, and everything that that intends to make being based on the past will be outside of the current reality.

For that reason it is not advisable to seek that the other ones follow our ideas or own experiences, since they should give an answer in their current moment, in their present.

Already several years ago the necessity was understood of not having organizations and followers of the religions, philosophies and ideologies, since all are conceptual, result of the thoughts of the human beings and of anything they are good to understand the moment atemporal of the biological present.

The cultural scientific and technological inheritance can help to solve problems for the survival to the natural catastrophes and the problems of supply of resources and transports, housing and to all the material necessities of the human beings, but neither can give an answer from the partial, logical and positive to the necessities of the human being's subjective part that it belongs to its vitality and therefore it is not logical.

For that reason the human being's subjective part has to be free, without any conditioning, so that the biological own integral intelligence can act to solve the subjective problems.

From the education one can help to that each it unites he/she finds their integral own intelligence, always remitting it to itself to that he/she finds the conditionings that submerge in the fear, and when the fear is unblocked it allows the fluency of the creative energy that will allow to solve its own problems.

In an atmosphere in that there are not “created interests”, and in the one that the alive beings and the whole nature is not considered a “commercial product” to obtain a benefit, like it has happened in the humanity's past, all the problems are much easier of solving, with the support, the affection and the solidarity of all those that surround it.

In this sense we all learn of all and there are not teachers' levels and pupils in the subjective thing, the life is made this way much easier with the support and solidarity of all for all, the affectivity is shared of parents to children, of friends and friends, of some races with other, without any prejudice and taking care that nobody suffers shortage or damage in any circumstance of their life.

This doesn't mean that problems don't arise in the life, in fact the life is a constant adaptation to the mean, being about solving the inherent problems to the survival of all the species. What is sought is an age of gold, in which the arts flourish, the sciences, the innovative technologies to improve the earth, the species that  inhabit it and the human being, and to this process we could denominate it the transformation of homo sapiens to homo intelligent.

Lastly, the fluency of the energy puts us in contact with all the energies of the cosmos, with the universal intelligence, and each human being can vibrate this way to the unison with what we could denominate the incomplete symphony of the life, the combination of all the colors, of all the sounds and all the vibrations of the universal spectrum.

There were some silence moments that it was like an energy current that impregnated Karina and Franc in an unit that transcended all idea or thought. Suddenly a voice came far from the, and he/she came closer calling Karina, Karina.

 It was Yoni a young friend who was born when the scientists created basic food that were containing the vitamins and you work out mineral complementary for an integral nourishment. Priority was given to the fruits and vegetables, eatable seeds, soybean, cereals and dehydrated fruits all the proteins and necessary vitamins being obtained.

Hereby was taking advantage better of the land and the water and they were reducing the excess of animals for the nourishment. Many carnivorous animals were transforming in vegetarian changing the hydrochloric acid of his stomaches and preparing propitious food for them without they had to resort to the slaughter of other animals.

In these years already the medicine was selecting the genes that were producing hereditary diseases in order that they were not transmitting his diseases and in few generations the world health changed radically transforming the medicine into prevention of the diseases and in eradicating his reasons instead of attacking his effects.

Into the whole Earth the vegetation was changing, creating forests full of fruits and eatable seeds, and the land was looking after itself in an ecological and sustainable way.

All the problems of subsistence were focusing that there was no shortage for anybody and of avoiding accidents or in collaborating when there were natural disasters to avoid or to repair the property damages or in human lives when this could.

Yoni, was not doing questions on beyond, his education and his formation had allowed him that his thought was free, his feelings shared with the whole community and was free of traumas and anxieties caused by the survival. His intelligence was expanding of creative form towards a universe without limits and in permanent transformation.

For him -this way he was commenting on it to us- the life and the death were a change of energy and when a dear being was happening for the situation of the death, there was surprising his absence but it was not meaning any suffering, since there was no separation and his energy was the same that was circulating along his own body, not differentiating the manifestation of the unmanifestation, more than in the material transitory vehicle that was using as way in the manifestation.

         In many moments there was no need of words and a creative silence them was plunging in a communion with everything all that they was making a detour. Suddenly the three to the unison started singing a refrain that they took of a few Sri Nisargadatta's Maharaj writings:


         "It that you cannot and can know, (the universal  energy)

         It is your real condition.

         this that you take for royal

         because one can objetivizar, (the physical form)

         this is what you seem to be "


And they continued:


         Let's live creativly,

         while there is possessed a physical healthy body,

         when this vehicle becomes disposable,

         let's allow that the energy should return to his Universal          Source.





THE HOME, 2011

Hello friends, the spread is to speak today on "Biological Integration Movement, this movement manifested itself in Argentina in 1970, has no organization, its members are anonymous and do not know each other. They all respond to the resurgence of universal intelligence or biological intelligence, homo intelligens, which will expand to the whole world as a manifestation to help eliminate the abuse of power and enslavement of human beings.

The biological intelligence have all individuals of all species, from demonstration in the Earth's atmosphere as a wave or particle, to the atom, molecule, cell, organs and systems, serves as a comprehensive and anonymous and does not seek a benefit or profit of any kind. In humans, this intelligence has been replaced by intellectual intelligence and it is this intellectual intelligence, or the homosapiens, which rules the world. This is a partial intelligence, selfish, ambitious without limitations and divisions, useful for the development of technology and science, but that is a total failure for life, and has been the one that created all empires known so far, Finally, the American empire and its partners, the states of all known countries, including Europe, Russia, China and Japan.

The State is an abstraction of society, created to benefit an international oligarchy tries to impose the new World Order, through false democracy with two parties that prevail over all others, therefore it is not through politics that we help mankind out of its misery and slavery.

We invite you to get out of the system, create a new society arising from the biological intelligence, which is comprehensive, anonymous, unselfish and seeks no profit of any kind. The term "biological intelligence" is a concept to communicate, we appeal to your understanding to interpret what lies behind the concepts. It should also be clear that the biological intelligence embraces intellectual intelligence is used as a positive tool for improving the material conditions of existence, but not to govern, as intellectual intelligence, by its nature, it is only logical, mechanical and not inclusive, and more, at one time, when threatened, it is dictatorial and fascist.

The MIB working with all the movements, groups and individuals seeking to help humanity, provided they retain their principles not to manipulate human beings, not to create social hierarchies, to establish the DEMO without "democracy" that is true integration of society, without an established power, from the bottom up, without creating a state, but through participation in community assemblies. Is this possible? Yes, this is possible, regardless of the state and its cultural institutions, with the help of science and current technologies and others that emerge in the near future.

To get out of the system established by creating autonomy must go, out of consumption, work with the system, I remember that Gandhi did abdicate the British Empire in India, without violence, is suffering the violence of empire and its atrocities, and not consuming its products.

The new company can do the same, not slaves to the system, the empire will collapse as other empires collapsed for other reasons, to make way for another type of social organization that integrates and meets the biological needs of all individuals and species the planet.

We have to create another system of education, and if the system requires to educate our children, des-educate all information that is not purely technical, artistic or scientific work and educate the family or in groups to have their own biological intelligence, and not conditional for consumerism and slavery in the system.

We have to create another system of work, aided by technology and science, creating social networks to provide jobs to all unemployed, no one can be unemployed, this is humiliating and own a state of slavery. No one should work more than four hours a day, using the machines for this and should have enough to take home, food, personal effects, education and entertainment.

"Happiness" is not the quantification of consumer goods, but on the emotional and creative human relationships, freely accepted, without discrimination, without borders, on equal terms, without constraints based on ideologies, religions, or consumerist patterns , although each individual is free to think whatever you want, but do not try to get their personal thoughts or ideas may be imposed on others.

We must achieve energy independence, starting at the individual, group, collective, and social groupings of buildings, houses, educational or recreational groups, returning to redistribute the surplus for the benefit of the group or association, without accumulating surplus for the benefit of a few. The real strength is the collaboration of the workers, who are the real building, and let the ambitious always eat their own tickets if they want to reintegrate into the new society.

The current state, or multinationals across the state today, seek to control the power, energy, education, health, and for that seek to control what nature gives us for free, air, water, sun, causing the land, natural immunity, the integral or biological thought, all to benefit their own ambitions and obsessions obsessive individual wealth and property, security and terrorism, terrorism that has been triggered by his own ambition and value system based on the systematic exploitation of human beings.

We need to create supply and production of local products for human consumption, forming collective farms, in the form of network and supply the group they belong, again dividing the surplus among the beneficiaries and are of the same group or other groups, or sell to other groups and then to build houses, power systems using renewable energy systems, additional education, do not expect the state to do, when you do will be to continue enslaving through multinational and receive the benefits the trade surplus. The State will seek to play and maintain their own value systems currently based in the dissemination of culture, and modern capitalism, degrading and enslaving.

In principle, we can not do without the money, but over time may be set up credit cards to buy and sell social media always much cheaper than the current system, without intermediaries, with direct distribution in social networks.

How do you solve the problems that may arise? It is through starting small, using the biological intelligence, getting out of the schemes that have set the state for that we must form a network of offices and technological specialties, there are enough unemployed people to start integrating them into this new form of organizing society, true minds that just need to get out of the system.

The system needs a bag of unemployment to depress wages through competition, to which every worker loses his dignity and be humbled before the value of the dollar or the euro or other currency, to sell through public debt the country and reap the benefits, which are then to be squandered by politicians on behalf of multinationals, with loans from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, enslaving the entire population to pay debts for hundreds of years, raising taxes and lowering pensions, salaries, social benefits and benefit the bank political caste and salaries and capital gains, requiring citizens what they are not capable of doing, because they live very well with their big salaries and perks.

We must create networks of power, or cooperatives, that bring the garden produce organically to consumers and competitive prices but not for redistribution on networks, paying just enough to allow producers to have enough to live, creating collective exchange through working with them for the production of renewable energy equipment or necessary, or building their own homes or upgrade.

Ensuring that those who integrate social networks outside the system can have everything you need to live, whether or not the state provide work for them. There will certainly be those who work for the system but to work for these networks of the new society. There are no guidelines for the organization of the transition, you only need to be clear what is the state, an occult organization serving the international oligarchy.

An alternative health system can take care of the health of the communities, using natural therapies, no drugs, vaccines and other addictive products also enslave us, using scientific advances for the repair of organs in cases of accident or emergency medicine .

Internet is already much literature that supports what is said here is nothing new, it will be a new current awareness that intelligence of the human being he can do it, but for this we must start now, that is integrated on the experience of the network involving those who have already begun and are organized on farms, or groups that are already working in this direction.

First performance

Let us form the social network for exchange of works and services with a bank of user needs, information about formation of cooperatives or social groups, to provide all the needs of its members. We are not rebels or terrorists, but we want to be left alone to get out of modern slavery and live in dignity as intelligent human beings.




After the 15M, the beginning of the "Spanish Revolution," the assemblies and meetings were added in all the squares of towns and cities around the world, the movement was expanded across the globe through social networks, private institutions of society were adhering to this popular movement, realizing that fighting for social justice for all, and also provides facilities for group meetings.

The problem that emerged was clear to everyone how difficult it would reform the policy through the institutions that already existed, it would be a futile effort at first, because they do not change easily, as dependent on big capital and multinational corporations, they do not
going to give up their privileges. As these changes may occur in the institutions, when social movements around the globe, so that pressure has no choice but to bow to social pressure.
The most practical would transcend politics and organize a parallel government from below, starting with the organization of the family, the neighborhood community, neighborhood, district, city, region and eventually the entire country, following the guidelines
new vision of what should be a government without politicians.

They elected a representative of the family, group, neighborhood, and so on, always from the assemblies did what felt best fit, and these charges were tasked to organize the institutions as agreed in each community assembly, taking into account the transparency and information to the community on steps, so I just had a charge representing the entire community. This position was maintained while the assembly to approve it when it became inefficient and was changed by putting one in place without further ado.

Procedures were facilitated by all tasks through social networks and the Internet. As there was no political office, as we know now, all activities were planned by specialists and scientists in all branches of society.
At first it was not easy, having to schedule all social activities, but was successful in organizing large compensation from local festivals to search and employment for all members of society.

Education was a major factor in changing social habits all make clear to all citizens as radical social change that was taking place, everything was done without violence and appealing to the understanding of all citizens.
In education, stimulated the biological intelligence to understand all the difficulties, also to know right away when what was said through the media, it was true or partially true for the manipulation of people, especially sought to find out who benefited from social changes or guidelines, if anyone was suspected individuals benefit from a half-truth.
For example, in World War II, the country that benefited most was the United States and Israel is the Zionist movement who later founded Israel at the expense of the expulsion of the Palestinian people, at all events that happened as a result of war aimed to suspect that everything said by the victors was totally true.

So did Israel's war against the Arabs, where after Israel took over much of Palestine and the Arabs.

As always, the victors write history and what really happened only find a few, and the general population assumes that the agencies say.
Who benefits from the current protests in Arab countries? It is true that dictators are obsolete, but for example in Libya, it appears that multinational oil companies are not interested in that Gaddafi will reduce its oil revenues, perhaps for his own benefit and to redistribute them among its population, as well as what will happen when these countries, including Syria, fall and install a false Western-style democracy? Maybe next fall into the hands of the multinationals is especially Iran, which is likely to occur as in Iraq.

As for the motion 15-M, their counterparts around the world and all the popular revolts that happen throughout the world, who seeks to be manipulated for their own benefit, as the old proverb "a raging river fishermen gain" and intends to impose a global dictatorship to finish implementing slavery throughout the world.

Taking into account that the whole problem of humanity creeps into the story from the man tried to keep their surplus of agriculture and defend against that part of those surpluses needed to survive, fear of what will happen in the future leads man to accumulate surpluses, which have now become the accumulation of goods and money and obsessive mental illness to secure the future.

No one in particular has to benefit surpluses and have been taken from other human beings through the history, society will find ways to forecast natural disasters, as well as climate and food and social needs without these surpluses go to a family fortune or individual must be clear that any surplus must be distributed to address the needs of all individuals on the planet and not just the human species but also all of nature.

With this view of things hardly let us manipulate for the benefit of a few who want to impose new ideologies or beliefs, and use the fear that popular acceptance of its dictatorial conditions.

As a consequence of the law and protest Sinde 15M in Spain, the movement Anonymus, there was to protest against the established power, anonymously, without leaders, without top leadership and communicating with each other without a trace or traces.

This is another way to express the challenge of biological intelligence with intellectual intelligence. We talked in an earlier chapter that intellectual intelligence is within the biological intelligence, as a tool to act on material reality. Integral or biological intelligence than the intellectual, because it behaves selfishly, is anonymous, does not expect any monetary benefit and not organized in pyramidal structures, each individual is a cell and works in sync with all other cells, through a synergistic communication, uncontrollable and invulnerable, that is in unison with all other cells, organs and systems, as in a human body.

Let's take an example describing how it works allopathic medicine and technology in the human body. As this medicine is derived from intellectual intelligence, acts on the effects and their application always has side effects so that hundreds of thousands of deaths resulting from the application of this medicine, the patient dies of other causes and the disease usually original.

Natural preventive medicine, allopathic care not be done without any monetary benefit speculation, is anonymous and does not seek any personal gain or ego, so it is a consequence of biological intelligence, acts on the causes, changing diet, the patient's environment, and strengthen your immune system naturally, not with vaccines or care addictive drugs usually have side effects. Therefore the patient is cured of their original disease and their immune system is strengthened with new diseases.

For example, most diseases are cured by fasting, society should spread this practice that made the old and lately I do very few people. The company would have to have medical experts or experienced in fasting, so that everyone did a fast a few days several times a year, according to the need to eliminate toxins from each.

This is a very inexpensive preventive medicine and very effective for most, that, then continuing with a proper diet and healthy living and spreading the non-competitive sports, so there would be no need for sophisticated and expensive technologies that only benefit the big pharmaceutical and multinational medicine.

While someone who hardly benefit from the disease will cure people of their ailments. Today as the business mentality is that the human being is a product for profit, is also exploited the disease and new diseases are created every day labs create new diseases and medicines appropriate for them, so you enter a vicious circle unbroken.

They said that in some parts of ancient China, doctors were paid when their clients are not sick and when they were left to collect until they were healthy again, so for his own convenience, were constantly advising people of different media to be healthy. All societies are moved by the culture of the time.

So we can say that the human being in society is driven by the culture it has received, which is to say that education is responsible for a type of society or another. In the culture of poverty and human misery, there are all kinds of attacks, robberies, murders and human exploitation, both for profit to survive.

In the culture of the ruling elite, the power struggles, assassinations, wars, pollution and diseases caused are the means necessary to get great benefits, so you will never be peace, and becomes increasingly evidence of the business of war to seize the natural resources of other countries who are in misery when you have completed these resources by over-exploitation of nature.

These elites of economic power, they are a minority in relation to the human population, are considered invulnerable, has a name but a few families around the world. This invulnerability makes them the worst atrocities order to maintain economic power around the globe.

But science advances and technology is advancing well, such as what is known about the HAARP machines that can be launched into space microwave up to one billion watts? These sophisticated machines and other radiation can be projected through their wavelengths, destroying everything step is the wavelength and frequency schedule. In this way, and anyone is vulnerable anywhere on the planet that is only what you need to have is its wavelength and frequency, like a fingerprint, which can be taken with a special camera, and then there is no choice, at their own convenience, to redistribute surplus wealth for the benefit of all individuals and species on the planet.

Gandhi said "everyone who accumulates more than he needs to live is a thief," and the human being naturally healthy, you need very little housing, clothing for the weather, proper food, education and loving human relationships, creative and technology today can do this and more, using renewable energy, leaving polluting the planet with petroleum, and making social life more healthy and creative.

It is possible that the money is removed, the structures of power also, and all the planet's resources are used to benefit mankind and other species, taking care of nature, not because it affects the land or nature as we have known until now gone, but their own convenience of man, the whole human race as it played its survival.

For all this you need to organize society, starting from below, expressing complete and exercise their intelligence or biological reason to be integral working together, synergistically, with all cells, organs and systems of human organism expressing social life, without human exploitation, without wars, without considering the human and other species, as a commercial product, which is taken out performance and then discarded like any consumer product packaging.

This way of thinking about life and human society is insane, own sick minds, people live to accrue benefits as if these benefits ensure the health and happiness, when modern technologies may be sufficient for all and much more it would be wonderful to work all together more than four hours a day, live without thinking about your neighbor sneaks up on you to steal what he is missing and without bodyguards, that no one accumulates any surplus, the company provides for group's needs and all collaborate to natural disasters.

This organization of society, has to be outside of the dome of economic power, reinventing a new social education by neighborhood assemblies, neighborhoods, entire towns and countries around the world.
Regardless of religions and ideologies of left and right, and all the "isms" as said J.

That is the challenge of biological intelligence, today is already the technological tools to do so, and communications and social networking can be good instruments to accelerate these processes can be realized as soon as possible in society, always being careful not to be manipulated by the economic power that will surely try to "change things so that everything remains the same."





Intellectual intelligence is the personality I would like the focus of mental energy in the center called "me." From this center point or thought can be moved left or right, up or down, and can expand to infinity thinking, developing theories, religions, philosophies, politics, and political economy, all false, since departing from the central point or focus, and from there made their hypotheses.
Such an approach is valid for analysis, comparisons, scientific and technological experiments, to invent machinery and technology that can be very useful to humanity to facilitate their tasks and free from the bondage of work, but we repeat, not rule, to organize society to promote or life. Also, if focuses on the subjective, this "I" has a very sharp sense of ownership and is capable of committing major atrocities to satisfy their self-centeredness.
This self-centeredness has created the world's major religions, especially Judeo-Christian art and its derivatives, with their prejudices and economic interests that have helped hundreds of wars throughout history.
Inheritance of these religions are manifested today in the neo-liberal bourgeoisie, the religion of money worship the god of the market, possessions, sense of ownership and security of self.
You must enter the "civil disobedience" any economic activity that uses human beings as object-commodity for economic performance, this program is so inserted in the mercantilist culture of society, it seems as normal and beneficial approach of using biology as a science that can capitalize on the "life" and thus all living things is a buying and selling, with a few ready benefit to society.
This is the quintessential slave system XXI century, for this is to spread civil disobedience to such slavery, as it is causing millions of deaths in poor countries malnutrition, lack of water and all basic requirements necessary health and life.
This says Chilean economist Manfred Max Neef environmentalist in an interview:
-Recently commented that the free market and its demands today function as a religion for the rest of the world with the Vatican itself. Why religion and calls about the possibilities of dealing with it?

'As neoliberal discourse I have repeatedly stated that the only way to understand this, when viewed as religious discourse. First, and this merit to its credit, has in three decades what Christianity and Islam have failed in two thousand years to conquer the world.
. The reason is that it is simplistic and dogmatic language used frightening. Universal truth that is proclaimed not recognize alternatives. Those who do not accept the revelation are doomed. It has its temples in the universities where the only economy that is taught is the neoclassical, which is his mother. It has its holy trinity of economic growth, free trade and globalization. He has his Vatican: International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and World Trade Organization, as the Vatican that price is, of course, infallible knows better than all of us what is good for us and for the sake of our salvation imposes it.
How to deal with it? History teaches that the only way to deal with a creed that we deem harmful, is heresy.
Today it is urgent to dare to be a heretic.

However, the biological and integrated intelligence, does not focus on one point or center, that is, is out of focus, so it encompasses all dimensions at the same time or in unison with the whole brain and all organs of the human body, and , out with all the energies of space. His projection is done through a comprehensive or free thinking to be influenced by educational memory files. Not that you serve files, but they do not have in mind to make decisions together, human relations, social justice or government in society. Nor has ownership and therefore is not egocentric.
Therefore it is said that this intelligence is what must be manifested in all human relationships, to take into account all the needs of the whole society without any sense of ownership and developing systems that benefit all of society and set privileges , differences in social backgrounds, or favor the establishment of oligarchies to national or international level.
As a result of an education based on biological intelligence, human beings would focus on fixing any problems that may arise to provide every human being all you need to live, ie food, clothing, a natural health service , home and leisure consist of non-competitive sports, artistic creations, and others that give a natural feel and pleasant existence.
This sense of ownership could not carry all of society to take care of everyone, without imposing personal opinion, but advising and making things easier to understand, common sense and emotional relationships freely consented, could solve all the problems may arise in human relationships.
This sense of ownership of the ego personality, is very strong in humans, due largely to the ancient cultural influence based on philosophies and religions, as at present, totally obsolete.
Thus the organization of the family, education and care of children and all human activities, would be dealt with collectively, grouping the families and friends, as everyone would like and taking care of all of all. The concept of family would go in one direction: that of the human family.
The houses, transport and all things necessary for the development of a society based on science and technology would not be owned by anyone, would use and would stop using when everyone had resolved their need for care and use of same so that others could then make use of them.
Of course, there would be financial markets, and we are crushing news daily about the rise and fall of financial interests, this type of society based on capitalist mercantilism, apart from being obsolete, it is becoming a criminal threat of human society and its activities should be classified as a crime against humanity.
This is the challenge of biological intelligence, try to expedite the process so that it reaches a new model of society and provide groups, anonymously, to be organizing the different human groups to put pressure on state institutions to favor new human needs, beginning with the family, community, trade unions, and all groups that can facilitate a peaceful, the advent of the new.
Not taking power but the power to press for change, it is not final acceptance of reforms, to change things and then everything stays the same, but there is ongoing monitoring to make the final process is ie, the cancellation of the accumulation of surpluses of individual benefit and for the distribution of any surplus to address the collective needs of society.
If you do not have clear ideas for this to be carried to completion, we will fall again in the current policy, and all the aberrations of economic power without interruption.
We can not go back and shrink or lose the universal rights for centuries conquered by society's more, there we continue to expand until we get all the benefits are not in personal wealth, but all the profits and surplus of the whole community reversal in social benefits of all mankind, and think of a planetary community, a planetary family, where everyone shared everything and everyone take care of everyone, fascist or totalitarian authorities, but with a sense of human brotherhood.
Man is ready for this type of community, but the individual "I", separatist, possessive and slave personality, he refuses to give the accumulated, both knowledge and material property.
This is the self that can not govern or rule the destiny of human society, this ego, or intellect and analytical part is only a tool that should support the biological intelligence, which is integral unitotal, anonymous not possessive and free of cultural biases that prevent life to manifest the benefit of all individuals and species on the planet.
This "I" is what drives the profits of the financial markets, where it is intended that the benefits are increasing, no matter that thousands of millions of people remain in poverty or die from lack of water, hygiene and food is only important number of zeros increases your bank accounts, as if the money could eat.
The "I" personality senses that true happiness lies in the manifestation of biological intelligence, universal or whole, using all the powers of the brain and all body cells and sensors of human biology in an integrated manner, which allows the direct action of the energy of life in the social manifestation of all individuals.
This is why we intended to cross the border of the intellect to exercise its dominance in the field of universal intelligence, and unable to pass this border becomes totalitarian, as it seeks to dominate life, exerting control over the food, water the sun, energy and all that land provided free for all species, as his individual property.
Currently it is difficult to digest this for generations have been educated in consumerism, conditioned by an education that integrates into the world market as a disposable product for the commercial benefit of a few.
Therefore it is necessary to assume a new education that the state, the system will not provide, it is necessary to form groups with clear minds and do not be fooled by the system and undertake the education of families to find other values
​​that can integrate into a new society and not allow our children and grandchildren are cannon fodder for wars, the looting of the planet and the commercial benefit of a few.






The movements continued to meet despite the fact that the authorities were trying to avoid it, despite all the reforms that they demanded hardly be accepted by the political system, the rules of financial movements were not easy to neutralize the other hand the economic model has its servers in all the institutions created by capitalist society and they are well off enough to try a radical change.
Change has to come from mavericks, misfits of the system and also those with clear vision that we need a new model of society. Biological intelligence has to react to avoid hundreds of millions in the near future die from starvation, lack of water and the minimum required for subsistence.
Reforms is not enough that only serve to alleviate the needs of these millions and then fall back into the same situation. The solution to international level would establish a tax on domestic and international financial transactions and increasing taxes on wealthier classes, to redistribute benefits to the entire world population.
In the near future most productive activities will be automated leaving employment to hundreds of millions of workers and the social situation is unsustainable even in richer countries.
More likely is that the transition to a new social model passes a Universal Basic Income set for each individual from birth. There are already enough studies to establish the basic income (see Universal Basic Income in Wikipedia) and set higher taxes on the benefits of personal wealth.
Working hours also should be reduced to 4 hours a day, ie 20 hours per week, so be achieved integrating all who are unemployed, leaving the retirement age was set as a maximum of 65 years, people older may volunteer to join the relief effort to other groups so they can spend free time socially integrated.
However, the system itself will not initiate these reforms, social pressure takes a lot for this to settle. It is not only improvements in the capitalist countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia, as these improvements and a new society ordered by the automation of all production systems would have no meaning if not done on a planetary level, as for all individuals.
Right now, Western production systems can not compete with emerging countries such as China, India and other Asian countries and as a result is to lower wages and pensions and health educational needs and to offset these competitive differences, and return periods retrograde in terms of social achievements, to match the emerging countries in which these social gains are almost nonexistent.
The ambition of big money has no limit, the first economic adjustments will follow another and another ... back in the welfare state in industrialized countries. For this we must be clear where the capitalist system is to exercise the natural right of resistance and civil disobedience to avert a genocide of millions of individuals worldwide.
It is not about religions or ideologies, or political parties, and all these are obsolete now that send the markets and the oligarchy behind them, we must question all state institutions to prevent set them privileged castes continue to exercise the exploitation of millions of individuals. Anyway, the descendants of these privileged classes also benefit from a new model of society more healthy, smart and supportive, since the benefits of this new model will be for everyone.
Here are some steps that every citizen should be very clear not to cooperate with the established system.

1. Not participating in the armed forces. All the forces of power of false democracy, are trained as killing machines and repression, which they do or not depends on the pressure they are subjected, and the wars that the system schedule.
2. Do not participate in politics, but in the various groups and social movements that seek to peacefully carry out a social pressure or raising public awareness for the changes.
3. Not participating in consumerism, make proper use of waste energy needs without biological slave system, the more you earn, the more you have to be enslaved by the system, "is richer has the most but have the least needs. "
4. Documents to know that it is not necessary to kill animals to enjoy good health, there is enough information to know that there are alternative feeding systems and much healthier than those proposed in the current system with the slaughter of animals and the exploitation of land with pesticides and other chemicals that poison us all.
5. Documented with sufficient information to support an alternative natural medicine, there is enough information on the Internet for how to live healthily without recourse to vaccines, drugs and other medicines that make us addicted for life and also do not cure but we keep and chronically ill to benefit multinational medicine. Use only allopathic medicine as an emergency point, but then the overall health depends on healthy natural food and personal hygiene and environmental, toxic-free oil and the chemical industry and a healthy lifestyle and non-competitive sports.
6. Note that the homo sapiens or intellectual intelligence is a natural predator, which has supplanted the natural or biological intelligence, creating an artificial civilization that seeks to impose as the sublime religion, imitating the Inquisition of the Middle Ages to categorize as terrorists those critical system, demonizing them and pursuing them with modern systems of inquiry.
7. Note that the passage of an outdated model of society to a more distributive individual benefits for society will not be in a day, but will require the efforts of all intelligent individuals to social pressure will make these changes in current policy and state institutions. If individuals are not grouped smart and fight for a new social model, there is a danger of a dictatorship on a global level that can last hundreds of years. The actions of civil disobedience as a claim would be ongoing monitoring and criticizing the injustices and dictatorial and abusive acts of state power.
8. To support all initiatives which spread renewable energy and organic farming, to eliminate dependence on oil and access to a new energy era that will change the face of the world, and a new human food habits in a more free environmental pollution.
9. Disengage and critically evaluate all information and recommendations released by the World Health Organization, this organization is invaded and controlled by multinational pharmaceuticals and the business of medicine that affects hundreds of millions of people on the planet .
10. Always appeal to biological intelligence and fanaticism, and the changes made in the wake of this intelligence in each individual and so everyone will know how to do and link to others to act for social change.

Had finished writing these notes, when the phone rang: a voice on the other side said: "We know who you are and would like to have a personal interview, we are of the Resistance International, I will call soon to set up a friendly conversation where the future will political humanity. "
I was thoughtful, had written these notes and added it to the international resistance because he had seen on a website, but I did not realize there was any movement of this nature already in operation for a global social change in this regard.
I imagined an international resistance and armed struggle, not in these modern times, because now I always thought this kind of struggle would be awful, in which hundreds of millions of die people, with modern weapons of mass destruction. No, resistance, if any, would be otherwise, it is not possible to continue the era of annihilation that Homo sapiens has done for millennia.
I imagined the civil disobedience and resistance throughout the world as a practical educational methods to raise social consciousness until these movements could exert social pressure necessary to dislodge parasitic caste of state institutions at the same time as they conquered new social improvements in the distribution of global wealth.
However, the call had left me a little uneasy, but also some hope, we are not alone, I thought, biological intelligence is awakening around the world, the modern social networking can allow knowledge to spread instantaneously around the planet and the social consciousness also allow a new sensitivity to the vital needs of humanity.
Actually if it were not for the thought and fear affect the brain, it might work holistically, understanding the needs of all individuals, and should start with the same moneyed classes the idea of ​​redistribution of wealth in the future revolts social not end up in a bloody revolution as happened in the past. Today, technological advances may allow a free society of modern slavery and competitive struggles to control the world economy. With this dream I fell asleep until very late.



The next week, reflecting on how events would develop as it was evident that what is called the "crisis" was only looting the public by large international capital, banks and governments to serve these capital through the mediation of politicians, when I received a call that is identified with the resistance, the person who spoke wanted to meet me to exchange views. We were in a park to talk while we took a walk.
We meet at 6 pm, it was autumn and there was still enough light. I was recognized by my partner, because if I did not know anyone in this movement.
He greeted me very carefully and I invited us to walk while I was explaining it was part of what is known as Resistance International, an anonymous movement whose goal was to preserve life on the planet, so his strategy was the conservation of nature and all species, including humans.
I was clear in conversation that he had become interested in me because I had read some articles he had written about the biological intelligence and had been very clear distinction between them was in intellectual intelligence and biological intelligence or in-kind integral human and also what was known as Biological Integration Movement.
Actually, I said, world leaders used only part of the brain, the most technology for the government of the world and this is a real human aberration, and that part of the brain, called the left hemisphere is under nature to be an aid, a tool of human being, among other body functions, for the development of science and technology so that humans could develop ultramodern machines to eliminate child labor in society.
This would free humans from the bondage of work, it would only have to spend very little time each day to this task, if well distributed and their benefits are shared equitably among all. This includes the care of the natural environment and care for all species.
The aberration is that the leaders, using only this part of the brain have been created separately from biology, virtual reality, which exists only in the intellectual reverie themselves and almost all of society. And this separation of life, biology, have been isolated in virtual social circumstances today are a constant danger for the whole planet, and is spreading like a pandemic of insanity in millions, disrupting the rhythm vital human mental health and its impact on the manifestation of diseases arising from this endless mental deviation.
What you call the Biological Intelligence, or full, would be the integral function of the entire brain, or both brain hemispheres in resonance with every cell in the body, every organ and all its functions vibrating in unison with the energies of the planet and all the stars in the universe. Also called human intelligence vibrating in unison with the Universal Intelligence.
In understanding this we can infer that intelligence is manifest certain values, which can be defined as universal and timeless values
​​such as integration, happiness, health, true love, or anonymous love and unconditional freedom, human intelligence, universal intelligence, wisdom, mutation or revolution, etc..
As he spoke I nodded in silence, not interrupted in his speech, it clearly explained what they meant by these terms.
Our movement he continued acting with other movements on a global scale and with all groups and individuals who want to work anonymously in the resistance against this type of deviation of the human being as the human race is in danger and need to be aware what are the ways to prevent human being manipulated and exploited for the benefit of a ruling caste sick who have lost the guidance of the manifestation of life.
We can not stop our activities, peaceful demonstration of all movements and all related individuals have to go on a planetary level, in all countries, all groups have to demonstrate continually go while raising awareness to the entire population of madness of political and economic leaders and institutions of the state derived from this collective madness, all institutions are outdated, the whole culture is obsolete, a new culture has to flourish projected biological intelligence, and clings to the values
​​of the system and creating new values ​​based on the continuity of life of all individuals and the entire planet and not on greed, wealth, wealth, property, luxury, comfort, power, art, culture, scholarship, information or science, etc.. That as time values ​​intellectual intelligence predominate in the maintenance of this society that no longer serve to organize life in the new global society.
A new literature, a new art and endless creative manifestations must arise from these initiatives so that all people feel protected and safeguarded by the human community free from prejudice, peacefully and raise awareness to all individuals a new way of life is possible through human intelligence and universal.
The actions that will be needed in each group will in assemblies and anonymously, no leaders, there are collective decisions of different groups and associations who are continually raising awareness and establishing a collective social pressure will change the political leadership programs denouncing their privileges, their scams, denouncing the breeds that have been installed in the state to plunder the pockets of all citizens and all institutions that seek to maintain the current culture, denouncing all institutions dealing in money citizens: the church, the monarchy, political parties, the timing of unscrupulous traffickers wars, the so-called charitable organizations, NGOs (the latter will not make sense, economically as they function today, in the new company) etc.
For the survival of every citizen and every citizen is any human being anywhere in the world, it is up, again, just for being born, the care and maintenance for life, and are the new institutions of the new society which responsible for carrying it out, no charity, nothing paltry aid, this is a right acquired only by birth.
There is to let fall by the current economic model inertia, outside Wall Street, outside the international market speculation, was the commercialization of water, air, sun, rain and all the products that the earth gives us free and corresponding natural right of all citizens of the planet, LIE ENOUGH can no longer fool anyone, human intelligence is beyond the limits of intellectual understanding and can no longer go unnoticed and never hidden .
Any crook, any financial speculator and operator of the human race and other species can be located today and uncovered his crimes against humanity and their financial dealings today with new technologies no one is invulnerable, and when all are vulnerable, name, social pressure can make them realize their folly, of his mental illness at the service of money, wealth, asset accumulation, since this does not lead to live happily in the carelessness of the simplicity of life in community, global human family.
And if all this is not enough, the scientific community at the service of Resistance International, seek ways to show they are totally vulnerable and that their crimes will be held accountable before an International Court of Justice to represent the entire human population, whose members will be free from the influence of big business consortiums and international oligarchy.
My partner, spoke with great clarity but with no interest in revenge, and this reminded me of Gandhi's famous line: "Do not hate your enemies, they also have to be released."
I asked how this would develop, he said he was aware the first thing most people do not work in politics, but to establish requirements to programs and state politicians, apart from the speculations of markets, organizing the government go society from the community assemblies of buildings, neighborhoods, districts, of all peoples and all citizens, in stopping the consumption of all products that are not essential for survival, and stop using unnecessary and organizing collective life from a new education, a new alternative medicine avoiding chemicals harmful to health, the use of renewable energies that are accessible and free to all citizens. And to go about integrating community services that are free.
If the state does not fund politicians, monarchs, banks, wars scheduled, churches, unions, corruption, trade in health through laboratory medicine and society is organized other model apart from money speculation, nobody can dominate and exploit the human population, and may enter into a new phase of humanity, social organization or all-biological intelligence to serve the whole society without privileges for anyone.
And this whole exercise may arise intelligent human being integral, whose happiness will result in being free of prejudices, mental defects, with a natural immune system derived from a healthy lifestyle, without chemical drugs, except in cases emergency, and living with the establishment of community caring relationships that nobody feels the loneliness of individualism breathed unhealthy for the trading system of consumption.
This does not mean we will live in an "ideal" system of permanent happiness, life has its challenges and natural disasters requires new systems of survival, with the help of science and technology may have potential harmful consequences at least but at least they will not be derived from the speculation of money and wealth of a few paranoid capitalist model is now obsolete and is a real danger to the entire planet.
I could not refute any of these conclusions, which were all he had been mulling over the past two years, and now increasingly reflected in the views of many citizens who apparently no longer with undeceived more lies that the various governments and parties repeated their rallies to win the vote and then do what the International Monetary Fund guidelines, World and European banks and around the world with the Free Trade Agreement requiring these politicians bribed to be made betraying service to all citizens of the planet.
He said goodbye grateful for having listened and told me to call back to continue our discussions, recommendations made efforts to publish these writings and to be distributed throughout the world as one more way to raise awareness throughout the planetary community.
I said I would do everything possible, because of course my consciousness, I was encouraged to collaborate with all humanity in this, and stayed until the next interview.


Chapter 8

Universal Basic Income

Basic income is defined as the right of every citizen and resident accredited to receive a periodic amount to cover at least the necessities of life without due consideration for it whatsoever.
Is part of the mechanisms of income distribution for the elimination of poverty.Although, according to various advocates of the proposal, the basic income is a proposal that is not limited to end poverty.
The consequences could be that:
• Improve the situation of people with low purchasing power.
• The unpleasant jobs would be better paid.
• Workers would be better able to negotiate labor contracts.
• There would have to "watch" the unemployed work illegally, as with the unemployment assistance.
• As not miss the RB to find work, would be less likely to be working illegally, so no money would be spent in investigating the fraud.
• Self-employment would be less risky and more your chances increase.
• higher salaries, which also receive universal income, would be more direct tax levied as a result, the state would recover the money they receive such high salaries.(See Wikipedia: Universal Basic Income).

I had read the Universal Basic Income, and I thought that this could be a good start to go restoring a distribution of wealth on a global level. In principle it should be borne in mind that citizen was any human being living on planet Earth, regardless of borders and countries.
Arrange this with modern computer systems would not be any problem, of course taxes should be introduced to the great fortunes like the Tobin tax, and additional to, and some experts on the subject have been treated and approved its viability, butNeedless to social pressure brought to see every state in the world the need for change to a different social model and more ethical than that of liberal capitalism.
You have to realize the illusion that the future can reduce unemployment, increasingly the automation of the work will make labor less necessary and can reach a situation where all countries have millions of people unemployed.
If this is not expected in advance can reach extreme situations of delinquency, and prisons will not supply to stop so many people that all you need are basic needs, housing, protecting the body against the weather, food , education and health.
It is useless because the international oligarchy repeat through the media as a religious rosary daily, the rise and fall of the stock market, the increase in the risk premium of the national debt, the global crisis, and so on. With more than 700,000 thousand millions who have entered the bank and come from the taxes of the citizens would have to establish a salary for life at each of the seven billion inhabitants in the world today.
For this is shown to be sheer madness of the leaders of capitalism convinced that insist on maintaining this economic model as this is unsustainable and can lead to starvation of millions of people around the globe.
International Resistance is operational and will not be long in exercising any social pressure necessary for these changes are made.
All this had already talked to the "Sent", had put the pen to the International Resistance member with whom I established the conversation in the park. I said that in the coming months begin to get a manifest so that it was distributed internationally by all citizens who want to work anonymously, but trying to reach the greatest number of people, so that most people the planet, being aware of what was required in them.
As if he had established a telepathic communication of thought, that morning I found myself in a mailbox on my behalf that he had no sender. Inside I found the text of what was ahead of me as the first international show. This was the content:

First Manifesto
 International Resistance of Planetary

All citizens of the Planet
All leaders of all countries

The International Planetary Resistance as anonymous movement for the preservation of life on planet Earth, is aimed at all citizens and all the leaders of all countries, to establish the first level of alert before the advance of totalitarianism and the new fascism it is imposed on everyone in the world.
There are enough resources on a global level so that everyone can live well and with all basic amenities without damaging the planet, without resorting to war to seize the resources of other nations, and allowing vital or biological intelligence is developed fully in all individuals and in all species.
So far, the fear of the vicissitudes of nature has evolved in man's cunning, greed, attachment to power over others, ambition by the accumulation of wealth and property that may protect individuals from the uncertainty of the future and all this has unleashed a world disorder and destruction of individuals and species, millions of deaths and suffering, wars and possibly the destruction of life as we know it today, all over the planet, if not remedied folly of the leaders on a global level.
The capacity of the human brain and comprehensive intelligence, already have the possibility to correct the deviation of human thought that has become a pandemic of madness, in which the primary objective is the accumulation of zeros on a computer screen, trying to make us believe that these trillions of zeros of paper currency, will give us security for the future.
Nothing is further from the truth, we face a new heresy, much more complicated and egregious that was imposed across Europe in the Middle Ages, as it affects hundreds of millions of people around the planet. This time at the "religious" traditional, but in terms of the religion of money, the god of money, virtual wealth and intellectual priests of Wall Street, the Popes of the International Monetary Fund, the Banks international exchanges and the International Free Trade Agreements, all in the service of international oligarchy belonging to a few families from seven billion people on the planet.
For this we turn to all intelligent beings to join this new heresy, which all have to make a common front to neutralize pathological anomaly that affects almost all world leaders, faced with this "religion of money" a set of values
​​for preserving life, such as solidarity, sharing resources equally, the free development of intelligence, the new education, new culture, new health, innovation and research of new science and technology that serve to liberate human beings from the slavery of work, this being replaced by automated machines and robots.
We call on the unions, all social movements, all the associations of individuals from the communities of buildings, neighborhoods, districts, towns and villages all to join in this united front to exercise our natural right to be rational human justice free from prejudice, inhuman economic models, and preserve the lives of our children, our grandchildren and all who come in the future of the entire planet.
Political parties with revolutionary vision to support social movements and join the common front, and do not govern the political parties but members of the IMF, banks and other institutions that represent them and use them as proxies intentions for their crimes against humanity.
In the future, political parties are not required, will be replaced by computers, which as in the hands of those who manage, resulted in the liberation from slavery or the imposition of a fascist totalitarianism that could last hundreds of years, this is no longer no time for doubts, and we must begin to take action.
We are the mothers of all humans, housewives, technicians, scientists, teachers, health, builders and architects, we are all professions and jobs that can build cities and organize society in a way rational and fair, they are speculators, investors, owners of zeros in the computers, paper money, those who traffic in human blood and suffering of all beings, they also have to be freed from his madness, Help them by freeing them from their chains of illusion and virtual build together a new society for all individuals on the planet and if they resist, exert social pressure needed to take away your illusion of power and greed.
For all that we ask as a first step the gradual development of the following:

1 Universal Basic Income for all citizens of the planet.
2 Universal Tax levied on large fortunes and financial transactions, call Tobin Tax or any other that is invented to deliver the greatest benefits for the whole human race.
3 gradual development towards a replacement Resource Economics of Money.
4 Gradual reduction of working hours up to four hours a day, five days a week.
5 Development urgent of all renewable energies.
6 Implementation of the electric car in the world.
7 Implementation of clean public transport.
8 Establishment of desalination plants or the like that do get water to all regions of the planet.
9 Agriculture not speculative and development of organic farming on a global level.
10 Implementation of the planetary level green home.
11 Development urgent robots to replace human labor.
12 A new preventative medicine to strengthen the natural immune system through a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
13 A new education to consolidate the respect for life, animals and plants and ecological preservation of the planet allowing the free opening of the natural or biological intelligence in children.
14 The respect for all ideas and beliefs at the individual, without them interfering in the rational organization of society.
15 Gradual reduction of flesh-eating, not enough to sustain animal species to the entire human population and can easily be replaced by a predominantly vegetarian diet where fruits, vegetables and seeds are the basis of organic food in the future.

When I finished reading this manifesto, the question that immediately sprang brain was: will we be truly able to unite in a common front to perform together this ideal of life?
Or do we let ourselves be lead like sheep to slaughter, where possibly up to our executioners might disappear in the destruction of all li

                           CHAPTER 9

The months passed quickly from the first encounter with "sent" and from the first manifesto, the economy did not improve and the number of unemployed was rising more and more. The multinational oil companies were controlling most of the world and now after the fall of Gaddafi in Libya, it was his turn to Syria, Lebanon and Iran, thereby closing the circle to control the Middle East.
Demonstrations, strikes and outs into the street against the cuts ended with the repression by the regime's agents in each country, which was evidenced that this did not lead to a step forward for the claim of social justice . Politicians were responsible for injecting money into banks, to finance the war to seize the natural resources of other countries, all the taxes of citizens, while they were totally helpless, jobless, homeless and without aid of government when the grant ended unemployment.
Anonimus group to protest against the law Sinde, and the debate in the U.S. Congress on the law and the law Pipa Soup began blocking Internet websites of companies and people who were in favor of these laws and control internet, so also published personal data, addresses and their families who were the people promoting such control, the Internet and social networks.
This, they said, was the method to act anonymously, without a trace, and pressure on the real culprits to feel first hand that they too were vulnerable and that new technologies could be protected anywhere and so they should also be sensitive to the wrath of the outraged by the sacking of politicians and state institutions, will soon reach their shelters.
Circulating the internet for a film, called Thrive, and gave as an example of the oligarchy that ruled the world, the head of a tapeworm, the tapeworm is an intestinal parasite whose body consists of segments that play when suffering from any court, provided that keep your head.
In this way put an example to rebel against the representatives of the oligarchy is that politicians and state institutions would not change anything, because while the head continued to exist in this case the owners of the world's great fortunes, segments, or agents and proxies of the repressive apparatus and plunderer, be reproduced infinitely.
When I ran into the "sent" showed me that he was approaching the time to put an ultimatum to the members of the international oligarchy, in fact, already had on file with the International Resistance, photos and files with all data of this oligarchy, and were already in circulation some data from the principal members
Also recorded were the principal owners of large international corporations, in short the pinnacle of human social pyramid, where they were concentrated in a minority, all the great fortunes of the planet.
Among the objectives to follow would be to send the information to these minorities in economic power that was necessary and essential to make a change as soon as the social model, the model of capitalism was totally obsolete and had enough technology to enable all people humans on the planet could be organized in a democratic society governed by assemblies for direct democracy.
That current power domes had to be transformed in the elimination of privileges and become all citizens of the planet, in which all resources were in the service of all citizens.
That had to dismantle the operation of health, education, and all cultural institutions, which were to serve multinational companies, also food, housing, and all kinds of human exploitation, it was crazy to price the life, sun, water, energy, natural foods, as all these nature resources provided free for the humans and all other plant species.
That human and universal, could not continue to allow ecological disasters, as this simply can not eat money, does not bring happiness, and make a cult of money is simply projecting the religious mentality from the Middle Ages the political landscape, and organization of society, which is totally obsolete, while new technologies allow a new type of social organization fully democratic, and not now that democracy is pure fiction to deceive the citizens and continue operating, removing his true dignity.
All this had to be spread by all social networks and do get involved, or the minority of the international oligarchy and all centers of power, because it was not coming to a civil war and the slaughter of millions of people, as in the previous social revolutions, as the French and the Communists of the Soviet Union and China, the era of ideologies and religions and was also outdated, it was one humanity and the right to life and freedom dye no political, economic or religious.
But this does not mean that human and universal is to be passive in the face of injustice and death of millions. If there is a change in the mentality of these individuals, since they are now threatened because now they are vulnerable, and not about taking the life of anyone, but if you do not understand the need for these changes, the intelligence universal through the International Endurance will take steps to feel threatened and persecuted until they relinquish their privileges and their position to invulnerable.
In this regard the International Resistance had thousands of technicians and scientists who saw the need for social change. To support this social change and the need to provide a direct democracy, without intermediaries, were planning to back up this threat to international members of the oligarchy, a computer-like radiation emitting lasers that could paralyze a person or disintegrate even through a vibrational frequency equal to the person, ie with the same radiation wavelength and frequency of the person involved.
This computer software supported in its program a kind of camera that could record the wavelength and frequency of a person or object, so you can project a radiation with the wavelength and frequency and affect the person or object chosen without polluting and affect anyone else.
In this regard, as stated above-mentioned film Thrive, is directly threatened the head of the Tapeworm, without involving their political representatives and other state institutions, since this whole institutional machinery moved by fear and lust for power and money.
When the top of the social pyramid transform or disappear, social organization may be established for community meetings, local and national and international, without any desire for profit or privilege, for the whole world society can put its resources to benefit all citizens of the planet.
There is no greater happiness than human relationships on an equal footing and mutual assistance, to resolve in a democratic manner, the problems posed by natural and vital needs of human beings.
The rest is a diversion from the mentality of a few to make an existence that is pure fiction and mental illness, based on the fear of survival and development of human love.
To achieve this all facets of society will be addressed, in a democratic and assemblies, technicians and scientists who will make managers of what society needs primarily related to health, education, housing, food and other species and maintaining ecological way of life on the planet.
The appointment of these managers could be changed at any time if the negotiations did well or is corrupted, it had to wait a period of time as in the false democracy, where politicians do not comply after programs and always lie to benefit themselves themselves and serve the interests of large fortunes.
The human freedom is total, having secured the housing, food, education and health, indeed the latter is governed entirely by natural methods to prevent this disease and scientific advances were mixed with alternative natural methods, so that individuals can live healthily and inexpensively health. Having secured these basic needs the individual and society could engage in creative research, the arts, entertainment healthily integrated through non-competitive sports, and human relations freely consented.
The ultimate goal is that everyone will care for all, ie, a total change of the human paradigm and the concept of individual and collective freedom of society.
It seemed incredible to conceive a change in human society of this nature, but I could see that every day were mobilizing millions of people around the planet for a total change, and politicians were increasingly discredited by his lies and privileges, requiring others as they were not capable of supporting and acting behind the scenes to cover their international intrigue.
This had daily demonstrations to protest rising unemployment, cutbacks and looting of the financial and banking groups of the savings of citizens increasingly subjected to slavery scheduled work and payment of taxes to pay taxes and to pay for the wars for the benefit of big corporations and the looting of natural resources of countries leaving them in poverty and without basic resources to live, being condemned to a slow death by starvation.
Taking institutions arose, Congress, leave to politicians, rebel against taxes, against laws that enslaved them to work more than ten hours a day and a minimum wage and denying them social aid to the unemployed, was intended to freeze the entire computer network so that computers could not run and stop all activity to surrender profits to large corporations and businesses. All government policy was sheer madness. Following these steps many people committed suicide because they can not face being in poverty.
The pressure was increasing and politicians lived in ignorance, not realizing the extent of the consequences that were causing penalizing the citizens and plundering for the benefit of the IMF, World Banks and large financial corporations.
He saw the need for the possible lack of food, to create social orchards in all the cities and lands and manage them locally to feed the population in an ecological and natural staple foods have.
It was to be a total uncertainty and possibly bloodshed in the protests. So it should be borne in mind that these protests would be peaceful protests they alone would not bring about social change because the state's repressive apparatus was very strong and bloodshed in this area would not achieve its objective.
You had to work smart and the sum of all protests and a parallel organization of society with self-government, local, national and international, should collaborate with the International Resistance and technicians and scientists who were working on anonymously to avoid were discovered and could carry out their threats to the direct members of the international oligarchy.
It took into account the threats to this oligarchy were not directed only to those individuals themselves initiate social change, nobody wanted to threaten anyone, let alone get to take their lives, if not because they were in danger lives of millions of people and refused to make these social changes to avoid reaching this situation, as Ghandi said: Do not hate your enemies, they also need to be released.
However the International Resistance will ensure that the changes made and is expected not to have to use stronger measures.
Again amazed to remember these conversations with my partner to see how the human principle was respected by not engaging the mind in understanding the dual being, but universal human intelligence, without which there could be this conception of human values .
I hastened to send this letter to all social networks for broadcast, it was important to be clear who the real culprits of what was happening, and have clear ideas to not fall into the illusion of change without attacking the head of the He had, as I said in the aforementioned film.

Address of the Spanish-English movie Thrive:


Consulted bibliography



Byron Katie: To love what is

Hua Hu Ching (Lao Tse): 81 Taoist meditations (Publishing Edaf) Jan Kersschot: To return to yes same; Nobody in house; This is It Jean Klein: The simplicity of the Being; The innocent look Krishnamurti J.: Beyond The time; Commentaries on to live;

The truth and the reality; On the life and the death; Educating the educator; It is urgent to transform radically; Fundamental Peace

         Chuck Palahniuk: Club of fight

         Jan van Helsing: The secret societies and their power in the 20th     century

         Ramesh S. Balsekar: The seeker is the looked;  Speaks the    conscience;The Balsekar wisdom

         Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj: I am It; Seeds of conscience;

         Sri Ranjit Maharaj: Illusion opposite to reality (Parts I and II)

         Sri Ramana Maharshi: Be what you are; Conversations with Sri   Ramana Maharshi Books I, II, and III

Steiner, B.: New approach of the sciences; I of the personality

Tolle, Eckhart: The power of now; Practising the power of now;

A new world

Tony Parsons: What is

U.G. Krishnamurti: The courage of being alone; The mind is a myth

W. Liquorman: Acceptance of what is



Bibliography in English

Taken of



Author Title


Bellamy……... Looking Backward

Borgese…….. The Drama of the Oceans

Borgese………The Mines of Neptune

Borgese…….. The Oceanic Circle

Bose………….Response In The Living &


Calvin………..The Cerebral Code

Cannon…..…..Bodily Changes in Pain

Hunger, Fear & Rage

Carmack……..The Money Masters (DVD)

Crandall……...Nanotechnology Molecular

Speculations on Global Abundane

Chaplain……..Rumor, Fear & The

Madness of Crowds

Chase………. Proper Study of Mankind

Chase………..The Tyranny of Words

Clarke………..Profiles of the Future

Darrow………Resist Not Evil

Darrow………The Story of My Life

Drexler………Engines of Creation

Evans………..The Natural History of Nonsense

Flatow..….…..They All Laughed

Free Will Productions….The Oil Factor (DVD)

Fresco………..The Best That Money Can’t Buy

Fresco………..Designing the Future (e-book)

Fresco………. Cities in the Sea (DVD)

Fresco………..Designing the Future (DVD

Fresco………. The Redesign of a Culture

Fresco………. Self Erecting Structures (DVD)

Fresco…….… Welcome to the Future (DVD)

Fresco……… .A Conversation with Social

Innovator and Futurist Jacque Fresco (DVD)

Fresco/Keyes...Looking Forward

Fuller…………Operating Manual for

Spaceship Earth

Gabel…………Energy Earth and Everyone

Gardner……… Fads & Fallacies in the

Name of Science

Gazecki……….Future By Design (DVD)

Haggard…….. Devils Drugs & Doctors

Johnson……… People in Quandaries

Joseph………..Zeitgeist Addendum &


Kahn………… Man in Structure & Function

Korzybski…… Science & Sanity

Korzybski…… The Manhood of Humanity

Ley……….…..An Engineers Dream

Loeb ……..…..The Mechanistic

Conception of Life

Loeb…………..Tropisms & Animal Conduct

Lundberg…..…Rich and the Super Rich

Maynard…..….Transforming the Global


Ogden….….....The Last Book You’ll Ever Read

Pearson….…...There is a Way

Perkins….……Confessions of an Economic

Hit Man

Perkins……….Secret History of the

American Empire

Rifken….….…The End of Work

Robinson…..…Mind in the Making

Sagan…….…..The Demon-Haunted World

Shermer….…...Why People Believe Weird Things

Shostack……..Viable Utopian Ideas

Shostack…..….Defeating Terrorism: Vol. Four

Spence….…… From Freedom to Slavery

Skinner….……Behavior of Organisms

Skinner….……Cumulative Record

Skinner….……Science & Human Behavior

Smith…….…...Man and His Gods

Still……….…..The Money Masters (DVD)

Twain………...Letters From the Earth

Twain…….…..The Mysterious Stranger

Veblen…...…...The Theory of the Leisure Class

Veblen………..The Engineers & The Price System

Wheeler………Democracy in a

Revolutionary Era

Wells………....The Shape of Things to Come

Wertharm……. Show of Violence

Wothorm……..Show or Violence

Zinsser……..…Rats, Lice & History

Zinn……….… A People’s History of the

United States




Blade Runner

         Zeitgeist Addendum:




Consulted Web and Links



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